Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Keyboard of the Future

In Will Richardson’s “Footprints in the Digital Age” he focuses on the potential kids have of being internet teachers in their future. There are so many websites and functions on a computer that we can not learn all of it from other people. We are the “Googled” generation.
 Students are teaching themselves about the web and its uses. They don’t choose to use it as an educational tool though. They would rather chat with their friends on face book and MySpace or watch videos of other people on YouTube. But if they enter the educational region of a classroom they, as Will Richardson describes I, “turn off the lights”. If they used there web time for more educational purposes they would be more comfortable with school. Though without the googleable students today the internet in the future may be too complex for the next generation of kids may be too overwhelmed with the technology. There aren’t colleges that teach kids all about the web.
 Some of the kids use the web for educational purposes. It is quite amazing that we can engage in conversations with people half way around the world. They could provide an outside opinion of something like our nation. Like Laura’s blog, “Twenty-Five Days to Make a Difference” she can influence people that are half way around the world to do the same thing. She also used it to get other ideas to help other charities in her community. We can use the web for so many positive purposes to help guide humanity into the Web 2.0 world.
  So their web searching and computer learning desires could control our future internet technology. We are in their hands that are constantly punching away at the keyboard of the future.

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